Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Chips Off The Old Block

If I didn't spend so much time watching people, I might actually get some things accomplished in the house. Today's victims are the local tree-chipping guys. I was watching them from the driver's seat, and in nightmarish rural traffic (there was a car in front of me). There were three of them. Not exactly "men", I would call them tree-chipping "boys". Of course, anyone under forty anymore looks like a kid. They were either brothers, or really good friends. They were all dressed alike, in their hard hats and mirrored sunglasses, and the poor guy who was sitting in the middle of the truck looked a little squished. The reason I think they were probably brothers is that lack of personal space. They were close enough to start giving each other shoves and complaining that "he's on my side" and "he's looking at me" and "make him stop making that noise". Don't make me come over there.

I'm pretty sure that's not a real job, either. They seemed to be having too much fun. Young man plus chain saw plus big truck plus mirrored sunglasses. That's a dream come true for anyone with testosterone. Their big truck was taking up my lane yesterday, and as I approached in my car, I slowed down looking for a flagger. Brother #1 grabbed the "slow/stop" sign from somewhere in front of the truck and with a little leap and a "ta-da!" pose, took his position
in the middle of the open lane. Brother #2 came out from somewhere in front of the truck (I don't know what they were doing up there, but I've raised three boys, and I'm sure it wasn't good). Brother #2 grabbed Brother #1 by the shirt sleeve and dragged him over to the side of the road with his sign, where the flagger belongs, also with a little "ta-da!" pose. Like, duh, don't you even know how to be a flagger? All the rest of us had to learn how to flag, but we always knew you were the "favorite".  Favor-ite, favor-ite.  Plus, they were smiling. They were always smiling. They probably have to go home and pick the bark out of their teeth (a dental hygienist's nightmare)

As you go out today, be thinking about the smiling tree trimmers. Their job is not glamorous, and I imagine it's hot and sweaty work, and that they're pretty darn tired at the end of the day. They could be miserable, but they're not. They've found ways to make work fun. Bet you could, too. That's my lesson from the pasture today. Don't forget to floss.


  1. I think the same three stopped at our house to unload the truck, It was the end of their long day, they all looked extremely tired at that point but were still smiling as they dumped a load of free tree mulch for us to use on the farm. So thankful for tree trimmers and mulch makers.

  2. I agree ... they were probably up to nothing good! Seriously, I don't envy their job at all but I'm glad they do it for us all.

  3. A beautiful read. Keep them coming.


Winter Blah Blah Blahs

*this is a reprint from 2012* Daughter has informed me that I stink at blogging since it's been six months since I wrote anything....